Create Policy

Create Policy

  1. Access AWS Management Console

  2. Log in to your AWS account

    • Log in to your AWS account using your username and password.
  3. Open the IAM (Identity and Access Management) page

    • After logging in successfully, select the “IAM” service by searching for it in the search bar or finding it in the list of services.
  4. Create a Policy

    • In the IAM interface, select “Policies” from the left menu. Click on the “Create policy” button to start creating a new policy.
  5. Paste JSON Policy

    • On the “Create policy” page, choose the “JSON” section and paste the JSON policy content you have provided above into the text box.
    • Ensure that the JSON policy is marked as valid and free of syntax errors.
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "iam:PassRole",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::AccountID:role/AWSGlueServiceRoleDefault"
  1. Name the Policy

    • Next, you need to name the policy. Enter the name in the “Name” field.
    • Provide a description (optional) for the policy if you wish.
  2. Review and Create Policy

    • Click the “Review policy” button to review your policy information.
    • After a thorough review, if there are no errors, click the “Create policy” button to create the new policy.
  3. Attach Policy to AWSGlueServiceRoleDefault

    • Once the policy has been successfully created, you need to attach it to the AWSGlueServiceRoleDefault role.
    • Select “Roles” from the left-hand menu in the IAM interface.
    • Find and select the “AWSGlueServiceRoleDefault” role.
    • On the role details page, select the “Permissions” tab and then click the “Add inline policy” button.
    • On the “Create policy” page, search for and select the policy you just created.
    • Click the “Next: Review policy” button to review again.
    • After reviewing and ensuring there are no errors, click the “Create policy” button to attach the policy to the role.