Analysis with Athena

Analysis with Athena

As Athena uses the AWS Glue Catalog to track data sources, all tables in Glue can be queried through Athena.

  1. Access the AWS Management Console.

    • Search for Athena.
    • Select Athena.

    Analyze Data with Athena

  2. In the Athena interface:

    • Under Data Source, select AwsDataCatalog.

    • Under Database, choose summitdb.

    • Execute the following SQL query:

      SELECT artist_name,
             count(artist_name) AS count
      FROM processed_data
      GROUP BY artist_name
      ORDER BY count DESC
    • Press Run Query.

    • Wait until the status changes to Complete.

    • View the results of the query.

    Analyze Data with Athena

  3. Explore the Athena interface and try executing some other queries.

    • The query below will return a list of songs that have been played multiple times by devices. You can also use this query to create a chart in QuickSight.

      SELECT device_id,
             count(track_name) AS count
      FROM processed_data
      GROUP BY device_id, track_name
      ORDER BY count DESC

    Analyze Data with Athena