Create Sample Data

Create Sample Data

In this step, we will configure Kinesis Data Generator to generate sample data and push it to Kinesis Firehose.

Configure Amazon Cognito for Kinesis Data Generator

  1. Access the AWS Management Console.

    • Find CloudFormation.
    • Select CloudFormation.

    Generate Sample Data

  2. In the CloudFormation interface.

    • Choose Stacks.
    • Choose Create stack.

    Generate Sample Data

  3. Download the cognito-setup.json file from First Cloud Journey.

    • Use the shortcut Ctrl + S to Save it.
  4. In the Create stack interface.

    • Choose Template is ready.
    • Choose Upload a template file.
    • Choose Choose file.
    • Select cognito-setup.json.
    • Choose Next.

    Generate Sample Data

  5. In the Specify stack details interface.

    • Stack name, enter Kinesis-Data-Generator-Cognito-User.
    • User name, enter admin.
    • Enter the password you want to use.
    • Choose Next.

    Generate Sample Data

  6. Choose Next.

    Generate Sample Data

  7. In the Create stack interface.

    • Choose I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources.

    Generate Sample Data

  8. Wait for about 5 minutes to complete the stack creation.

    • Select the Kinesis-Data-Generator-Cognito-User stack.
    • Choose Event to view the initialization process.

    Generate Sample Data

  9. In the Stack interface.

    • Select the Kinesis-Data-Generator-Cognito-User stack.
    • Choose Outputs.
    • Choose KinesisDataGeneratorUrl.

    Generate Sample Data

  10. In the Amazon Kinesis Data Generator interface, complete the information entry (this information you configured in the stack creation step).

    • Enter Username.
    • Enter Password.
    • Choose Sign In.

    Generate Sample Data

  11. In the Amazon Kinesis Data Generator interface, after successfully logging in.

    • Region, select us-east-1.
    • Stream/delivery stream, select FCJ-Deliverystream.
    • Records per second, enter 2000.
    • Choose Template 1.
    • Enter the following code:
      "uuid": "{{random.uuid}}",
      "device_ts": "{{date.utc("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS")}}",
      "device_id": {{random.number(50)}},
      "device_temp": {{random.weightedArrayElement(
        {"weights":[0.30, 0.30, 0.20, 0.20],"data":[32, 34, 28, 40]}
      "track_id": {{random.number(30)}},  
      "activity_type": {{random.weightedArrayElement(
                "weights": [0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.2],
                "data": ["\"Running\"", "\"Working\"", "\"Walking\"", "\"Traveling\"", "\"Sitting\""]
    • Then, choose Send data.

    Generate Sample Data

  12. After sending approximately ~ 100,000 messages.

    • You can choose Stop Sending Data to Kinesis.

    Generate Sample Data

  13. Check to ensure that the data has been sent to S3. Access the AWS Management Console.

    • Find S3.
    • Select S3.

    Generate Sample Data

  14. In the S3 interface.

    • Select Bucket.
    • Select asg-datalake-demo-bucket.

    Generate Sample Data

  15. In the Bucket interface.

    • Choose the data folder.

    Generate Sample Data

  16. Then, select the raw2022 folder.

    Generate Sample Data

  17. That’s it, the data has been sent to S3.

Generate Sample Data