Data Transformation

Create SageMaker Notebook

You can create a SageMaker Notebook in two ways (choose one of the two):

  1. Access the AWS Management Console

    • Find AWS Glue
    • Select AWS Glue

    Create SageMaker Notebook

  2. Select Notebooks

    Create Glue Crawler

  3. Enter the notebook name as notebook

    • Choose IAM role
    • Select Start notebook

    Create Glue Crawler

  4. Wait for about 2-3 minutes, and the notebook will be created.

    Create Glue Crawler

  5. Run the first code block to initialize the Session

    Create Glue Crawler

  6. First, download the notebook file from First Cloud Journey.

    • Use the shortcut Ctrl + S to Save the notebook file as .ipynb
    • Then, copy and run each code line from the notebook file.

    Create Glue Crawler

  7. You have completed initializing an Interactive Session.

    Create Glue Crawler

Method 2 to Create a Notebook

  1. Access AWS Glue Studio

    • Select Jobs

    Create Glue Crawler

  2. In the Jobs interface

    • Choose Jupyter notebook
    • Select Upload and edit an existing notebook
    • Download the file from First Cloud Journey
    • Then, choose the downloaded file and upload it.
    • Select Create

    Create Glue Crawler

  3. Finish creating the Notebook.

    Create Glue Crawler

  4. Complete initializing the session.

    Create Glue Crawler

After that, run the code.